2. Testing the learning environment#

Before we get started, we test the learning environment and the most important packages needed to run the notebooks. This is not so much a continuous coherent exercise as individual examples based on the different packages.This exercise is neither an introduction to Python nor extensive tutorials for the individual packages. I advise you, if you have little or no experience with the packages, to work through the relevant tutorial on the websites. All packages offer very good and extensive tutorials. Most of the functions presented here have been taken from these websites.

Getting started with pandas
Getting started with xarray
Getting started with MetPy

Homework Assignment

The Earth’s water cycle is expected to change significantly as the climate warms, affecting societies, economies and ecosystems around the world. Net water flux to the surface - precipitation minus evaporation over the ocean or precipitation minus evaporation over land (P - E) - is a key aspect of the hydrological cycle. On the continents, P - E determines the sum of surface and subsurface runoff. In this exercise we look at the seasonal characteristics of (P-E) over Europe and examine the development over the last decade for Berlin.

  1. For the analysis we use ERA5 data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF). Download from the ECMWF website the monthly averaged ERA5 reanalysis data of total precipitation, total evaporation and runoff for the period 2013-2022. The study area ranges from 27-72ºN and from 22ºW to 27ºE. [Hint: Search for ‘ERA5-Land monthly data from 1950 to present’. You need to create an account to download the data.]

  2. Open the file in Jupyter-Notebook and look at the structure of the file. Find out the variable names.

  3. Use MetPy to parse the data set and add a Coordinate Reference System (CRS). Convert the variables to a unit-aware type. [Note: The conversion of the variable evaporation must be done manually by multiplying the variable by units[‘m’].

  4. Plot the variables for selected months, e.g. 2022-01-01. In which units are the variables given? What is striking about the fields?

  5. It is often useful to look at the seasonal fields. Calculate the weighted seasonal mean of the fields and plot the result. What statements can you make about the mountain regions, and especially about the Alps?

  6. To better identify the dry regions, calculate P-E. Reconsider your statements about the mountain regions. What statements can you make about Germany?

  7. Now extract the time series of Berlin (52.52N, 13.4050E) and convert the data into a Pandas data frame. Plot the time series (precipitation, evaporation and runoff) for the entire period (2013-2022). Look at the time series P-E. What statements can you make in relation to the recent drought events in Brandenburg?