Von-May function
Von-May function#
Task 1: Write a function which solves the Von-May-Equation.
Problem description:
The starting point for our analysis is the ‘Von-May-Equation’, which is given by
y_{t+1} = r \cdot y_{t} \cdot (1-y_{t}), \end{align}with \(r\) an pre-defined parameter and \(y\) the function value at time \(t\) and \(t+1\).
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def von_may(y0,r):
This function integrates the Von-May Equationn using a then initial condition y0,
and the parameter r
y0 :: initial value
r :: pre-defined parameter
# Assignments
# The variable yi contains always y-value at timestep t.
# At the beginning, we assume that the old value
# corresponds to the intial value.
yi = y0
# The newly calculated y-values are stored in the result list.
# The first value in the list is the initial value for y
result = [yi]
# Integrate the Von-May equation over 500 time steps
for t in range(500):
# Here, we calculate the new y-values according to the Von-May-Gleichung
y = r*yi*(1-yi)
# Store newly calculated values to yi (old value for the next iteration)
yi = y
# Append the new y-value to the result list
# Return the result list
Task 2: Run the code for several initial and parameter combination. What is particularly striking about increasing r-values?
y(0)=0.5 and r=2.80 (alternatively, use y(0)=0.9)
y(0)=0.5 and r=3.30 (alternatively, use y(0)=0.9)
y(0)=0.5 and r=3.95 (alternatively, use y(0)=0.495)
y(0)=0.8 and r=2.80
# Run the von_may function and store the result in the variable res
res = von_may(0.5, 3.95)
# Plot the equation
# Initialize the figure
# Plot the res-List
Extend the Von-May function
Task 3: Extend this Von-May function by generating 20 random r-values and run simulations with them. Sample the values from a normal distribution with mean 3.95 and standard deviation 0.015 (limit the r-values between 0 and 4). Then average over all time series. Plot both the time series, the averaged time series and the histogram of the averaged time series. What do you observe?
# Import some modules which are used in the function
import random # Module to generate random number
import numpy as np # Numpy
def ensemble_may(n, y0, r):
The function runs n ensemble members of the Von-May-Equation. The function takes the
initial condition y0, the parameter r, and the number of ensemble members n.
Example: ensemble(50, 0.5, 3.95)
n :: number of ensemble members
y0 :: initial value
r :: pre-defined parameter
# Assignments
# The ensemble members are stored in the result list.
# Here, we initialize an empty list
result = []
# Initialize the random number generator (see random module)
# Generate n ensemble members (n-loops)
for ens_member in range(n):
# Here, we limit the randomly generated r-value between 0 and 4
# We initialise rnd with -999 so that the condition is fulfilled
# in the following while loop. The while loop is executed until
# the random r parameter is between 0 and 4.
rnd = -999
# set constraints for the random number 0<rnd<4
while rnd<=0 or rnd>4:
# Generate random r-parameter rnd with the mean r and the standard
# deviation 0.02
rnd = random.normalvariate(r,0.02);
# Integrate the von-may equation with a random r-parameter
# Return the result
# Execute the ensemble_may function and store the result in ens
ens = ensemble_may(10, 0.5, 3.93)
# Here, we take the time-mean of each of the ensemble members
# First, the list is converted to a numpy array (np.array(ens)). After
# that the mean along each row is calculated (np.mean())
ens_mean = np.mean(np.array(ens),axis=0)
# Create two subplot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(15,5))
ax[0].hist(ens_mean, 20);
Revisit the EBM-Model
Include a dynamic transmissivity in the energy balance model.
Task 4: Run the energy balance model \(T(0)=288 ~ K\), \(C_w= 2\cdot10^8 ~ J/(m^2 \cdot K)\), \(\alpha=0.3\), and \(\tau_{mean}=0.608 (\pm 10\%)\)
# Import some modules which are used in the function
import random # Module to generate random number
import numpy as np # Numpy
def OLR(T, tau):
""" Stefan-Boltzmann law """
sigma = 5.67e-8 # Stefan-Boltzmann constant
return tau * sigma * T**4 # Return the OLR calculated by the Stefan-Boltzmann law
def ASR(Q, alpha):
""" Absorbed shortwave radiation """
return (1-alpha) * Q # Return the ASR, with the albedo value alpha
def step_forward(Q, T, Cw, alpha, tau, dt):
# Return the updated T-value (time-dependent EBM)
return T + dt / Cw * ( ASR(Q, alpha) - OLR(T, tau) )
def ebm_stochastic(T0, Q=341.3, Cw=10e8, alpha=0.3, tau=0.64, years=100):
''' This is a simple Energy Balance Model with a random tranmissivity.'''
# Create result arrays (numpy) filled with zeros
# Ts stores the temperature values, years the years since the beginning of
# the simulation
Ts = np.zeros(years+1)
Years = np.zeros(years+1)
# Timestep in seconds (time step is 1 year)
dt = 60*60*24*365 # convert days to seconds
# Initial and boundary conditions
# Set the first value in the Ts to the initial condition
Ts[0] = T0
# Integration over all years
for n in range(years):
# Generate a random tau value with mean value tau and standard-deviation
# of 10 % its value
tau_rnd = random.normalvariate(tau,tau*0.1)
# Store the number of iterations in the Years array
Years[n+1] = n+1
# Store the new temperature value in Ts
Ts[n+1] = step_forward( Q, Ts[n], Cw, alpha, tau_rnd, dt )
# Return both the temperature and year array
return Years, Ts
# Execute the ebm_stochastic function for 1000 years
yrs, Ts = ebm_stochastic(273, Q=342, Cw=2*10e8, alpha=0.30, tau=0.608, years=1000)
# Plot the results
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(20,5))
Extend the model with a simple ice/land use albedo parameterisation. (sigmoid version)
Task 5: In this parameterisation, the albedo is solely a function of mean temperature. As a non-linear function we assume a sigmoid function with
Run the energy balance model for 100 years with four different initial conditions for T(0)=286.0, 287.9, 288.0, and 293.0 K, while fixing the other parameters to \(C_w\)= 2\(\cdot10^8\) J/(m\(^2 \cdot\) K) and \(\tau_{mean}\)=0.608.
What can be said about the state of equilibrium?
# Import some modules which are used in the function
import random # Module to generate random number
import numpy as np # Numpy
def ebm_ice_albedo(T0, Q=341.3, Cw=10e8, alpha=0.3, tau=0.64, years=100):
''' This is a simple Energy Balance Model including ice-albedo feedback.'''
# Create result arrays (numpy) filled with zeros
# Ts stores the temperature values, years the years since the beginning of
# the simulation
Ts = np.zeros(years+1)
Years = np.zeros(years+1)
# Timestep in seconds (time step is 1 year)
dt = 60*60*24*365 # convert days to seconds
# Initial and boundary conditions
# Set the first value in the Ts to the initial condition
Ts[0] = T0
# Integration over all years
for n in range(years):
# Parametrization of albedo. The albedo is a function of temperature.
alpha_adapt = alpha * (1 - 0.2 * np.tanh(0.5*(Ts[n]-288)))
# Store the number of iterations in the Years array
Years[n+1] = n+1
# Store the new temperature value in Ts
Ts[n+1] = step_forward( Q, Ts[n], Cw, alpha_adapt, tau, dt )
# Return both the temperature and year array
return Years, Ts
# Plot the albedo function
# Create an array containing the temperature range from 282 K to 295 K
T_range = np.arange(282,295,0.1)
# Plot the albedo function
plt.plot(T_range, 0.3 * (1 - 0.2 * np.tanh(0.5*(T_range-288))));
# Run several ice-albedo feedback simulations with different initial conditions
yrs, Ts286 = ebm_ice_albedo(286.0, Q=342, Cw=2*10**8, alpha=0.30, tau=0.608, years=100)
yrs, Ts287 = ebm_ice_albedo(287.9, Q=342, Cw=2*10**8, alpha=0.30, tau=0.608, years=100)
yrs, Ts288 = ebm_ice_albedo(288.0, Q=342, Cw=2*10**8, alpha=0.30, tau=0.608, years=100)
yrs, Ts293 = ebm_ice_albedo(293.0, Q=342, Cw=2*10**8, alpha=0.30, tau=0.608, years=100)
# Plot the result
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(15,5))
ax.plot(yrs, Ts286); ax.plot(yrs, Ts287); ax.plot(yrs, Ts288); ax.plot(yrs, Ts293);
Extend the model with a simple ice/land use albedo parameterisation. (linear version)
Task 6: In this parameterisation, the albedo is solely a function of mean temperature. We assume a simple linear relation according to
with \(T_i\)=273 K, and \(T_g\)= 292 K. Run the energy balance model for 100 years with four different initial conditions for T(0)=286.0, 287.9, 288.0, and 293.0 K, while fixing the other parameters to \(C_w\)= 2\(\cdot10^8\) J/(m\(^2 \cdot\) K), and \(\tau_{mean}\)=0.608, \(a_i\)=0.6, and \(a_g\)=0.2.
What can be said about the state of equilibrium?
# Import some modules which are used in the function
import random # Module to generate random number
import numpy as np # Numpy
def ebm_ice_albedo_2(T0, Q=341.3, Cw=10e8, alpha=0.3, tau=0.608, years=100):
''' This is a simple Energy Balance Model with a linear ice-albedo
# Create result arrays (numpy) filled with zeros
# Ts stores the temperature values, years the years since the beginning of
# the simulation
Ts = np.zeros(years+1)
Years = np.zeros(years+1)
# Timestep in seconds (time step is 1 year)
dt = 60*60*24*365 # convert days to seconds
# Initial and boundary conditions
Ts[0] = T0 # Set first value in the temperature array to the initial value
a_i = 0.6 # This albedo value is used when the temperature < T_i
a_g = 0.2 # This albedo value is used when the temperature > T_g
T_i = 273 # This is the temperature threshold for snowball earth
T_g = 292 # This is the temperature threshold when the earth is ice-free
# Integrate over all years
for n in range(years):
# ice-albedo parametrization
# if temperature is smaller equal T_i
if Ts[n]<=T_i:
# Set albedo to snowball earth albedo a_i
alpha_adapt = a_i
# if temperature is greater equal T_i
elif Ts[n]>=T_g:
# Set albedo to ice-free albedo a_g
alpha_adapt = a_g
# When temperature is between T_i and T_g
# Calculate the parameter b
b = (a_i-a_g)/(T_g-T_i)
# Calculate new albedo
alpha_adapt = a_g + b*(T_g-Ts[n])
# Store the number of iterations in the Years array
Years[n+1] = n+1
# Store the new temperature value in Ts
Ts[n+1] = step_forward( Q, Ts[n], Cw, alpha_adapt, tau, dt )
# return the Years and Ts arrays
return Years, Ts
# Run several ice-albedo simulations using different initial conditions
yrs, Ts286 = ebm_ice_albedo_2(280, Q=342, Cw=2*10**8, alpha=0.30, tau=0.608, years=100)
yrs, Ts287 = ebm_ice_albedo_2(287, Q=342, Cw=2*10**8, alpha=0.30, tau=0.608, years=100)
yrs, Ts288 = ebm_ice_albedo_2(288, Q=342, Cw=2*10**8, alpha=0.30, tau=0.608, years=100)
yrs, Ts293 = ebm_ice_albedo_2(293, Q=342, Cw=2*10**8, alpha=0.30, tau=0.608, years=100)
# Plot the results
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(15,8))
ax.plot(yrs, Ts286); ax.plot(yrs, Ts287); ax.plot(yrs, Ts288); ax.plot(yrs, Ts293);
# Here we check the albedo parametrisation
def albedo(Ts):
# Initial and boundary conditions
a_i = 0.6 # This albedo value is used when the temperature < T_i
a_g = 0.2 # This albedo value is used when the temperature > T_g
T_i = 273 # This is the temperature threshold for snowball earth
T_g = 292 # This is the temperature threshold when the earth is ice-free
# ice-albedo parametrization
# if temperature is smaller equal T_i
if Ts<=T_i:
# Set albedo to snowball earth albedo a_i
alpha_adapt = a_i
# if temperature is greater equal T_i
elif Ts>=T_g:
# Set albedo to ice-free albedo a_g
alpha_adapt = a_g
# When temperature is between T_i and T_g
# Calculate the parameter b
b = (a_i-a_g)/(T_g-T_i)
# Calculate new albedo
alpha_adapt = a_g + b*(T_g-Ts)
# Return albdo value
return alpha_adapt
# Create an empty list which stores the albedo values
res = []
# Create an array containing the temperature range from 282 K to 295 K
T_range = np.arange(265,300,0.1)
# Fill the result list with albedos
for i in T_range:
# Plot the results
Task 7: Determine the equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) and the feedback factor for the simulation from Task 5 using T(0)=289 K. (sigmoid albedo parametrisation)
# Import some modules which are used in the function
import random # Module to generate random number
import numpy as np # Numpy
def ebm_ice_albedo_stochastic_ECS(T0, Q=341.3, Cw=10e8, alpha=0.3, tau=0.64, years=100):
''' This is a simple Energy Balance Model with a random transmissivity and
ice-albedo feedback.'''
# Timestep in seconds (time step is 1 year)
dt = 60*60*24*365 # convert days to seconds
# Create result arrays (numpy) filled with zeros
# Ts stores the temperature values, Years the years since the beginning of
# the simulation, netQ the net radiation flux, and dT the temperature change
Ts = np.zeros(years+1) # Temperature
netQ = np.zeros(years) # Net radiation flux at the tropopause
dT = np.zeros(years) # Temperature change
Years = np.zeros(years+1) # Years since simulation start
# Initial and boundary conditions
Ts[0] = T0
# Integrate over all years
for n in range(years):
# Calculate the albedo value
alpha_adapt = alpha * (1 - 0.2 * np.tanh(0.5*(Ts[n]-288)))
# Generate a random transmissivity
tau_rnd = random.normalvariate(tau,tau*0.01)
# Store the interation (year)
Years[n+1] = n+1
# Calculate the new tempeature
Ts[n+1] = step_forward(Q, Ts[n], Cw, alpha_adapt, tau, dt)
# Store the net radiation flux at the tropopause ASR-OLR
netQ[n] = ASR(Q, alpha_adapt) - OLR(Ts[n], tau)
# Store the temperature change between the current and previous step
dT[n] = Ts[n] - Ts[0]
# Return all result arrays
return Years, Ts, dT, netQ
# Integrate the EBM and store the values
yrs, Ts289, dT, netQ = ebm_ice_albedo_stochastic_ECS(289, Q=342, Cw=2*10**8, \
alpha=0.30, tau=0.608, years=50)
# Calculate the ECS from the regression line and print the result
print('The ECS is {:.2f} ºC'.format(-b/m))
print('The feedback factor is {:.2f}, which implies a negative feedback'.format(-m/b))
The ECS is 5.67 ºC
The feedback factor is 0.18, which implies a negative feedback
# Create two subplots with ...
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(20,6))
# the temperature time series
ax1.plot(yrs, Ts289)
# the temperature change vs. net radiation flux
# Fit a regression line to the temperature-net radiation flux scatter plot
m, b = np.polyfit(dT[1:],netQ[1:],1)
# Add the regression line to the plot
# Draw a horizontal line at y=0
ax2.axline((0, 0), (1, 0), linewidth=2, color='gray')
# Plot a marker where the regression line crosses the horizontal line at y=0
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x1245ff3a0>
Task 8: Repeat the simulation from Task 5 (sigmoid function for albedo) with T(0)=289 K, but again sample the transmissivity from a normal distribution with a standard deviation of 10%.
What special feature can now be observed? What conclusions can be inferred regarding the prediction of weather and climate?
# Import some modules which are used in the function
import random # Module to generate random number
import numpy as np # Numpy
def ebm_ice_albedo_stochastic(T0, Q=341.3, Cw=10e8, alpha=0.3, tau=0.64, years=100):
''' This is a simple Energy Balance Model including ice-albedo feedback.'''
# Create result arrays (numpy) filled with zeros
# Ts stores the temperature values, years the years since the beginning of
# the simulation
Ts = np.zeros(years+1)
Years = np.zeros(years+1)
# Timestep in seconds (time step is 1 year)
dt = 60*60*24*365 # convert days to seconds
# Initial and boundary conditions
# Set the first value in the Ts to the initial condition
Ts[0] = T0
# Integration over all years
for n in range(years):
# Parametrization of albedo. The albedo is a function of temperature.
alpha_adapt = alpha * (1 - 0.2 * np.tanh(0.5*(Ts[n]-288)))
# Sample the transmissivity from a normal distribution with a standard deviation of 10%
tau_rnd = random.normalvariate(tau,tau*0.1)
# Store the number of iterations in the Years array
Years[n+1] = n+1
# Store the new temperature value in Ts
Ts[n+1] = step_forward( Q, Ts[n], Cw, alpha_adapt, tau_rnd, dt )
# Return both the temperature and year array
return Years, Ts
# Run several ice-albedo simulations using different initial conditions
yrs, Ts286 = ebm_ice_albedo_stochastic(286, Q=342, Cw=2*10**8, alpha=0.30, tau=0.608, years=1000)
yrs, Ts287 = ebm_ice_albedo_stochastic(287, Q=342, Cw=2*10**8, alpha=0.30, tau=0.608, years=1000)
yrs, Ts289 = ebm_ice_albedo_stochastic(289, Q=342, Cw=2*10**8, alpha=0.30, tau=0.608, years=1000)
yrs, Ts293 = ebm_ice_albedo_stochastic(293, Q=342, Cw=2*10**8, alpha=0.30, tau=0.608, years=1000)
# Plot the results
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(15,8))
ax.plot(yrs, Ts286); #ax.plot(yrs, Ts287); ax.plot(yrs, Ts289); ax.plot(yrs, Ts293);
# Plot the histogram of one of the previous simulations|